A Sii’s neurons can either be receptive or functioning normally. While receptive, a Sii makes GXP at twice the rate, but the rate at which he makes SGXP is untouched. The exact fashion in which the receptivity of neurons replenishes has been the subject of much debate and confusion. This is how it works: Every 24 hours or day, a Sii gets 1 hour of receptive neurons. Over the course of 10 days for instance, he will gain 10 hours of receptive neurons. Therefore, the amount of receptivity that a Sii gets is irregardless of time spent offline, link-dead or anything else – it is tied purely to the elapsing of real time.
Think of receptive neurons as “restedness.” Generally, this game mechanism aims to close the gulf, somewhat, between active and casual players. Moreover, it is meant to be a bonus and should not be taken as the normal and standard rate.