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Form information[]

The Dashala are a strange being - to the uneducated they appear to be a large mound of earth or stone, but are in fact a heavily armoured slug-like creature. They live naturally in the rainforests of Avictus, where they developed their thick skin to deter predators since they are incapable of outrunning them. They are vegetarian, feeding on the decaying leaf mulch in the forests.


<Player>, Mound from Avictus
<Player> is a large, humped mound of flesh covered with thick grey scales. It appears to move extremely slowly, but with great purpose. You cannot see any head, but presumably there must be one in there somewhere.


1280000 gold.

Equipment slots available[]


Stat bonuses[]

Intelegence +30%
Wisdom +30%
Constitution +60%
Dexterity -40%


Attack pattern and damage types:

crush (blunt)


Resistances as taken from mud score:

Resiience Edged Blunt Fire Ice Acid Electric Mind Energy Poison Radiation
42 High High 20 20 High 20 High 20 High 20

Special abilities[]

Shifting Scales(passive): Temporarily grants +20 to every AC slot for short intervals.


You lumber around and leave a trail of slime in your wake.